Larry Thompson
Larry Thompson has been performing in front of audiences for 30+ years. Whether it’s a business event, or a classroom of youngsters, Larry is at home helping the audience to laugh, learn, and let loose.
If you ask his mother, she'd say he's been performing for almost 50 years. Larry specializes in “Full-Contact” performances – offering the audience a chance to participate in the fun.
He has told stories on mountain tops and in valleys from New Mexico to South Carolina and many large and small places in between. He has received "Least Forgettable Performer" honors and his style caused one listener to remark, "He's not so bad!" Larry was honored to be named a Featured Teller for the 2015 George West Storyfest.
Larry tells cowboy tales, folk tales, home grown tales, and guarantees to make you smile. With campfire tales, both chilling and not-so-chilling, his outdoor performances have been enjoyed by children and adults across the South.
Feel like you or your group wants to learn more about storytelling or maybe you want to include storytelling in your business toolkit – Larry has workshops on crafting and polishing a story, creating new material, or delivering a great performance.
Larry has recorded two compact discs with old and new favorite stories and has published several books of his own stories; his newest book is a collection of cowboy and western poetry titled “Good Jeans and Good Rhymes.” He is past president of the San Antonio Storytelling Association and is currently the President of the board of directors for the Tejas Storytelling Association.